Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Thinking of you Chch!

           Today while I was sitting at my desk at work, just after hanging up the phone with a creditor in Christchurch at approx 12:50 I started to relaize that my desk was moving, actuall my whole office was moving, wait I think the earth is moving... no big trucks... stand up and move towards the door. look at my purse should I be taking that with me?! It is an earthquake right? and it was over. So, I continue out of my office and up the stairs where I see Ann who I know is thinking what i'm thinking so we both head into another co-workers office and the two of them felt it too. One not so sure that it was really a quake. Our manager who was standing starting to think were all crazy. Discuss our own past earthquake experiences and then head back down to my office. Moments later I feel it again this time much less. To the point I wouldn't have felt the secound one if I haden't felt the first. Continue working.... momentarily head upstairs to get someting from the printer and am informed that there has infact been another major earthquake in Christchurch. This one said to be much worse than the first (Sep/4/10 when I was still in Cananda) and things are really not in good shape there.

      Obviously you continue on with your day as you have to, and as the day progresses you hear more little bits and you never know how true they actually are. The last numbers I have heard say that there are 65 casuilties and bound to be more.

       Today was as much as I think I ever need to experience of an earthquke, can't imagine how you are all feeling in chch my thoughts and prayers are with you all!

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